Saturday, March 1, 2014

Discolored Lips and Remedies

Discolored Lips:

I personally have a light discoloration on my lips and I don't really like this, I always forget to put on chap stick with SPF on ,  and I always lose them, and anyway its just a hassle. Well you guys im going to show you ways to exfoliate and easy remedies to use on our discolored lips. (#teamdiscoloredlips lol). Lets learn a little bit of our problem. We know that discolored lips is a common problem around us girls, but what causes discolored lips?

(bad picture of my lips)

What causes discoloration in the lips?

  • excessive biting or licking lips
  • high caffeinated drinks(i.e coffee, coca cola...)
  • dark colored beverages that discolor our lips
  • exposure to sunlight
  • chemicals found in lipsticks
  • hyperpigmentation
  • Health problems
Many other things cause discoloration on lips, signs kidney,gallbladder, and liver disease cause discoloration. other things like low deficiency's on you health like vitamin B, A, or C. These are just some of the problems out there.

So now lets talk, how do you cure this problem?
I have been searching around and I have put together some easy remedies you can use, these are products that can even be available in your kitchen!!


The Infamous Orange:

Orange peels help exfoliate and color your lips the way they were, all you need to do is eat your orange and then save the peel and gently, scrub them on your lips. And by time they will start to get their color again.

Lemons and Oil:

This is an overnight remedy, all  you need is Lemon and almond oil (you can use glycerin instead) . This is an overnight remedy because if you go out in the day time with lemon juice on  your lips, lets just say you wouldn't want that. Okay so all you need is those two( lemon juice and almond oil) and you mix them together and apply as if lip balm on lips. Leave it overnight and voila. If an emergency like a party or something gently rub on your lips after mixing for ten minutes and then rinse and apply lip balm with SPF.

Lip Scrub:

For this all you need is honey, granulated sugar, and almond oil. Use one teaspoon of each and done. just mix them together and apply on lips then rinse off and don't forget the lip balm!!
you can use extra-version olive oil and do the same process. This remedy is only done once again until your color is restored.

Chap sticks:

Many chap sticks can also dehydrate your lips because some chap sticks contain ingredient that are bad for your lips (I will do further research on this topic later on) lol.

Recommended chap sticks(My opinion):

  • Burt's Bees
  • Eos (evolution of smooth)
  • Softlips
Well I guess this is the end of the discussion, there are many others remedies and ways to treat our lips these are just some I personally use. I use tinted lip balms some times, or a little bit of kool-aid and mix it wit a small amount of water and apply on lips. I used to be so embarrassed about my lips, and I was always subconscious of how big and chapped my lips were :( over the years I've learned to accept my lips the way they are :). Please also don't be shy and comment any other remedies if you do I could update it and tag you to tour remedy.

 Anything would be helpful, even if you read add a comment or follow me I would feel blessed!
Thank you

Always expect more, good luck
deanahdiana xxox

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